Personal Experiences of a Sanctuary for Unwanted and Abused Exotic Cats based in Tampa, Florida, USA,

by Daphne Butters


1st Visit

2nd Visit

3rd Visit


Over the last three years, I have visited Big Cat Rescue five times. I have been on standard day tours, night tours, full day expeditions and even spent several nights there. 

My most recent visit was a little different. This time I worked as a volunteer rather than be a guest on site, giving me an opportunity to see the other side of sanctuary life.

Raindance, a Northern Bobcat, rescued from a fur farm

I have taken hundreds of photos during my visits and hope that you enjoy this selection. I have written three articles about BCR and these form the basis of this site.

Originally known as "Wildlife on Easy Street", the sanctuary changed its name to "Big Cat Rescue" in late 2003.

To contact Keverstone Cats - telephone 0114 2692306 (from within the UK)

+44 114 2692306 (from outside the UK)

or e-mail us