The Tail With The Cat On The End!

Our Kittens

Occasionally we do have kittens for sale. All our babies are born in the bedroom where mummy can have peace and quiet in the early weeks and we can keep a close eye on the babies. Our kittens are not caged once they have learnt to use their litter tray and within a few weeks they can be found sleeping on the bed with us. By the age of six weeks they are running riot in our very special kitten room, full of toys to keep them happy. We actively invite friends to "come and play" so that our kittens are accustomed to lots of different hands and voices before they head off to their new homes.

Any breeder registering their kittens with the Governing Council of the Cat fancy must obey certain rules. They must supply a four generation pedigree and G.C.C.F. Transfer of Ownership Form. This form acts rather like a birth certificate and includes the date of birth, parents and a unique registration number for the cat. All kittens must be fully vaccinated before they leave the breeder and in good health to the best of the breeder's knowledge.All our kittens are fully vaccinated against cat flu, enteritis, chlamydia and leukaemia. Since their 2nd vaccination cannot take place until they are at least 12 weeks, we insist on keeping them for a week after their second vaccination. This way we feel that we have given them the best possible start. Our kittens go with a full diet sheet and information about worming, vaccinations and even which cat litter they have been using.

For our latest news on kittens and shows click here



To contact us - telephone 0114 2692306 (from within the UK)

+44 114 2692306 (from outside the UK)

or e-mail us