Our History Maker

Stripies, as his friends call him, was born on 15th October 1990, to Quadruple Grand Champion Lawmaine Boom Boom out Go The Lites and Champion Mainestream's Return To Sender, their first litter. This mating proved to be very successful, and future litters included Quadruple Grand Champion Lawmaine Northern Xposure of Alabar (ACFA's 3rd Best Inter-American Cat, 1992-93), Quadruple Grand Champion Lawmaine The Big Bopper (ACFA's Best Inter-American Kitten & 2nd Best Inter-American Kitten 1993-94) and of course our very own (Lawmaine) Keverstones American Dream.

Stripies also had a very successful American show career, Best Maine Coon Kitten & 7th Best Inter-American Kitten 1991 and Best Maine Coon Neuter & 12th Best Inter-American Neuter 1992 in ACFA. In 1993, Stripies came to Britain and was shown at Provisional Status where he was awarded several "ICs". In June 1994, the Maine Coon gained full Championship Status and Stripies became GCCF's 2nd Maine Coon Premier, in August. He gained his three Grand Premier Certificates at consecutive shows, becoming GCCF's first Grand Premier Maine Coon at the Supreme Show in November 1994. Stripies has been Overall Best in Show three times, twice at the North of Britain Longhair Show and also at the 1995 Maine Coon Cat Club Show. At the grand old age of 7 years, he won Best of Colour Brown Tabby Series Neuter at the Maine Coon Show 1998, out of 12 entrants.

Stripies thought that he owned the house, a true prima donna, who demanded attention. He allowed us to share "his bed", but insisted on sleeping on the pillow above our heads. He supervised anyone in the shower, and serenaded us in the bathroom.

Stripies died in December 2000, and we were absolutely heartbroken to lose him. All in all, he was very special boy and we were very grateful to Steve & Carol Lawson for allowing us the privilege of sharing our lives with him. We really miss him terribly- as the song goes "The Bed's Too Big Without You!"

Gr Ch & UK Gr Pr Keverstone Yankee Girl

Our very special girl, born on 15th August 1993, to our first American imports, Gr. Ch. Keverstones American Dream and Cancoon Pistolera. She and her father became GCCF's first Maine Coon Champions in July 1994. In November 1994, Yankee became the first GCCF Maine Coon Grand Champion at the Yorkshire County Cat Club Show, her local show. She was neutered in 1995, became a Premier and then Grand Premier in straight shows. She was the first Maine Coon to hold the title of Grand Champion & Grand Premier. In November 1997, she gained her second UK Grand Premier Certificate, making her the first UK Grand Premier Maine Coon.

Yankee has competed in 34 shows and is unbeaten in Maine Coon Open Classes. Her wins included:
2 UK Grand Premier Certificates, 10 Grand Premier Certificates, 4 Grand Challenge Certificates, 3 Reserve Grand Challenge Certificates, 1 Reserve Grand Premier Certificate, 12 Premier Certificates, 6 Challenge Certificates and 22 Best of Breeds. She was Best in Show Semi-Longhair Neuter four times.

Yankee was bigger than many boys, and had actually been judged (and won) as a male! She loved to have her tummy tickled.

She is dreadfully missed by everyone who knew her.



Merric was one of three kittens born to Cancoon Pistolera and Gr. Ch. Keverstones American Dream in 1993, the other two being Gr. Ch. & Pr. Keverstone Starsnstripes and UK Gr. Pr. & Gr. Ch. Keverstone Yankee Girl. She was Overall Best in Show at the Maine Coon Cat Club Show in the 1996.

Merric loved attention and knew how to attract the judges. During her show career she won 7 Grand Challenge Certificates, 4 Reserve Grands and 11 Challenge Certificates. She was Best in Show Semi-Longhair Adult at the North of Britain LH Cat Club Show in 1996 and was Overall Best in Show at the Maine Coon Cat Club Show in the same year.Merric is a very chatty cat. She had a super classic pattern and luminous green eyes and is was a real character within the Keverstone household.

She died in 2004 and is missed by both felines and humans in our household.